1. By enrolling on a course, you are agreeing to pay the total price due for the whole course and any accreditation fees, including all outstanding balances, should you withdraw. This applies to all courses. The full fee or the initial instalment must be paid before the start date of the course. If a payment plan has been arranged and agreed with the learner, the all fees must be settled no later than 3 or 5 months after the start date of a course delivered over 15 weeks. If the course is delivered online over 15 weeks or less, payment is due no later than 1 or 3 months after the start date of a course.
2. To secure your place on a course, all fees must have been paid, an instalment plan agreed, or direct debit set up. Payments may be made by cash or card only; cheques are not accepted. Any learner who does not meet the payments for an agreed instalment plan or direct debit will not be allowed to continue the course and be sent an invoice for the outstanding charges. Any learner over 19yrs and on a Level 3 course who does not pay the full fee or take out a loan will be invoiced for the full cost of the course.
3. Any additional costs applied by awarding organisations for exam fees will be notified by your tutor.
4. Where there are outstanding fees, other than agreed future direct debit instalments, we may refuse entry to the class and exam registration until such fees have been paid.
5. To help you spread the cost of your learning where the cost of your course is £300 or more and is longer than 20 weeks, you may pay by direct debit. 25% of the full cost of your course (course and any accreditation fees) will be taken at enrolment and a direct debit set up for 3 or 5 equal monthly payments of the outstanding balance. If you would like to discuss direct debits in more detail, please speak to your Course Tutor.
6. If your qualification course is over £150 you can pay by 3 monthly instalments, during the first 3 months of your course, provided the course length exceeds the instalment period. For example, in term 1 this will be September, October and November. If the fee is not paid following the agreed timescale, you will be invoiced for the monies outstanding.
7. Where fee discounts are claimed, you will need to provide the necessary documentary evidence to demonstrate eligibility for the reduced fee. Should this not be received within two weeks of the enrolment date, the full fee becomes payable via cash, debit or credit card.
8. If your chosen course is cancelled before it starts, we will refund your fees in full.
Where leisure courses are closed after they commence and we cannot offer an alternative, a pro-rata refund will be made to any learner attending at that time who has attended at least 80% of their sessions. Where a course with accreditation is closed and we cannot offer an alternative, we will refund your fees in full. Refunds may take 28 days to process.
9. If you change your mind within ten working days (excluding weekends and national holidays) of enrolling and ten working days (excluding weekends and national holidays) before the course starts, we will refund your fee minus an administration charge of £30
See below for charges relating to English as a Foreign Language
10. If you withdraw from a course once it has started, you will not be eligible for a refund.
11. It may occasionally be necessary, for reasons beyond the control of Begat Limited, to change the course tutor, make slight changes to the timing or content of the programme, or move the course to an alternative venue within a reasonable distance of the advertised venue. No refund will be given under these circumstances.
12. There is an administration charge of £30 for all refunds, plus the non-returnable registration fee or exam fee as detailed below:
CPCAB Level 2 & Level 3 Certificate in Counselling Exam/Registration fee £166.00
Cancelled Sessions
13. Where a session is cancelled, for reasons beyond the control of Begat Limited, such as staff illness or extreme weather conditions, and a replacement session is offered, no refund will be given. If we are unable to offer a replacement session we will refund at the end of the term as applicable.
14. If a class does not reach its minimum number, we may offer you the opportunity to reduce the number of weeks with no corresponding reduction in fee, or we may increase the fee as an alternative to closing the class.
Course Fees
15. Course fees are based on reaching the minimum class number in each case. The class may be closed if we do not recruit the minimum number.
16. Some courses may involve additional costs for materials. These will be outlined on the course information sheet.
17. Learners who join a qualification class late will pay the fee for the whole course. Learners who join a non-qualification class after half term will pay a pro rata fee.
18. The purchase of Training Courses and Training Materials are subject to the following:
• the prices set out for the relevant product on our website; and
• the purchase of the Training Courses and Training Materials includes the granting of a non-exclusive, non-transferable licence to use the Training Materials and the Documentation on the terms of such licence, which are set out in the following clause.
19. Method of Delivery for Training Courses: once your registration for a Training Course has been successfully processed, you will receive an email confirming your seat, name of the course, course timing, and location of delivery.
Data Protection (not applicable to English as a Foreign Language)
20. Personal information is processed in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation. This is to inform learners how their personal information will be used by Begat Limited and any successor bodies to this organisation. For the purposes of the Data Protection Act 1998, your personal information is used to exercise its functions and to meet its statutory responsibilities, and to create and maintain a unique learner number subject to the specific course undertaken and a personal learning record.
Your information may be shared with third parties for education, training, employment, debt collection and well-being related purposes, including for research. This will only take place where the law allows it and the sharing is in compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998.
Further information about use of and access to your personal data, and details of organisations with whom we regularly share data are available at info@begat.org.uk . You may also be contacted after you have completed your programme of learning to establish whether you have entered employment or gone onto further training.
21. All new learners will be allocated a Learner number subject to the CPCAB Counselling courses. This number will be used for life and they are used in schools, further and higher education, and particularly when entering exams or accessing the National Careers Service.
22. Begat Limited may provide access for learners to online learning materials in some subjects to support blended learning. However, some materials are provided by reputable third-party suppliers who comply with the requirements of the Data Protection Act.
23. Unless you hear from us to the contrary, please assume that your course will be running.
24. Learners are required to be punctual for their class and to attend regularly. If you are unable to attend a session, please let us know. If we do not hear from you, staff will try to contact you. If you are absent for 3 weeks without contact with us, you will be withdrawn from the course and your place may be offered to someone else.
25. Begat Training will accept learners of 16 years + subject to and dependant on the course undertaken and that all fees will be met.
26. All learners are required to confirm in writing their acceptance of the course they have enrolled and registered for, at the beginning of their course.
27. All learners are required to show respect for staff and other learners and to behave responsibly and safely at all times.
28. We are unable to accept responsibility for any damage to or loss of learner property (including motor vehicles) or work.
29. All learners who enrol on a course with an accreditation must take the related exam or submit the related portfolio to deadline. Anyone who does not sit the exam for their course must pay the difference between the course fee paid and the charge for a non-accredited course.
Force majeure
30. Begat Limited shall not be held to be in breach of its obligations hereunder nor liable to the service user for any loss or damage which may be suffered by another party due to any cause beyond its reasonable control including without limitation any act of God, fire, storm, flood, lightening, disease, strike, trade dispute, act of terrorism, any act or omission of government or regulatory bodies or communications operators.
31. Begat Limited reserves the right to withdraw learners from the courses undertaken due to:
• Failure to attend and engage (see Student Manual)
• Concerns about fitness to study.
• Exclusion (see the Complaints Procedure)
• Non-payment of fees (see Terms & Conditions)
In addition, Begat Limited can withdraw learners where it suspects the student has broken the
conditions of their permission to stay in the United Kingdom. These conditions may be more extensive and detailed especially where this relates to attendance and engagement. A withdrawn student is not normally eligible to attend teaching sessions or take assessments.
32. Establishing Date of Withdrawal
The date of withdrawal must be recorded accurately and immediately. A student’s date of withdrawal will be the last date of attendance/engagement on the programme of study. Where a student dies during the course of their studies, the Director will exercise discretion in reaching a determination on their last day of attendance which will usually then be used as the date for Begat’s formal record of withdrawal.
33.Consequences of Withdrawal will include:
• revoked access to all training centres and facilities
• revoked access to the electronic resources to Begat’s IT network access
34. Re-admission after withdrawal
Learner withdrawal is a permanent status. If a withdrawn learner wishes to recommence study they
must re-apply and will be subject to the enrolment and initial assessment procedure. Any application to re-enrol must be approved by a member of Academic Staff before an offer is made to the applicant.
35. Reinstatement after withdrawal
If a learner is withdrawn due to administrative error, the learner must be reinstated immediately. In the event that Begat Limited, fails to implement or enforce its policies and procedures correctly, any learner that is affected will not be penalised.
Revised January 2022.